Well after Friday’s traumas, Saturday proved to me much more peaceful. Very few contractions (and a few are considered normal) and no cramping.
Friends of ours came over to provide much needed company, distraction and fun. And they kindly bought dinner – lasagna, salad and lots of trimmings, including Lemon Drizzle cake. Other than providing plates and silverware we didn’t have to do a thing. It was fabulous. They have two children, who although 2 and 4 years older than my daughter, they play happily together. We had to resolve a few rifts but nothing that shouldn’t be expected between a 3, 5 and 7 year olds. Admittedly at one point we resorted to perhaps one of the worst parenting tools – TV. But it meant that the adults cot to eat dinner in peace which as any parent knows is a treat. And for the first time in a week, I actually sat at the table rather than eating half lying down on the sofa. Of course, I ate too much and had heartburn for a few hours but nothing new there.
Both Ben and I are truly grateful for their support and once more I’m humbled by how kind all our friends have been over the past week. THANK YOU EVERYONE
Mum and Dad arrive in a few hours. We’ve not told my daughter so we’re hoping it will be a big surprise for her. A friend of ours has very kindly taken her out for morning so Ben finally has some time off. I’m reclining on the sofa watching the French Open, he’s working up a sweat in the gym. I’d rather be doing some exercise myself but bed rest is what it is, and currently I’ll settle for a few quieT months and a healthy baby over an exciting time. they’ll be plenty of excitement for a family of four in a few months.
On the way out of hospital following the cerclage the nurse informed me that every day our baby stays inside, that’s four less days he’ll need to spend in hospital. This small statistic is giving me enormous hope and determination. We can do this and with help on its way from my family, and most likely Ben’s family in a few weeks, it will get easier. Fingers (and legs!) crossed!)
Don't worry I used the exact same parenting tool yesterday with the 2 bigger boys and cousin Violet after Morgan's party so I could enjoy a cup of coffee and piece of birthday cake!