We’ve all heard the mantra: Change can be a good thing.
Well in my situation, change is a bad thing – a very bad thing. And I’m delighted to report that following my appointment with the specialist today, there has been NO change. The cerclage is holding up nicely. I’ll have another check up in two weeks.
Unfortunately they didn’t do a growth scan today and I’m not scheduled to have that for another 4 weeks. I know that means that they’re not concerned but knowing how big the baby is gives me a good level of comfort should I deliver early. I guess we’ll just have to cross that bridge if, and when, we come to it. Fingers crossed we won’t.
I quizzed my doctor on what the plan is, assuming all continues to go according to plan. Once I reach 28 weeks I should be able to increase my activity levels slightly, and then again at 32 weeks. At 36 weeks they’ll remove the cerclage and then consider induction at any point from 37 weeks depending on how I’m doing. They don’t like to induce before 39 weeks but equally delivering a baby on the freeway because you haven’t made it to the hospital is not a good plan either. Her words not mine.
Medical issues aside, it’s been a good few days. Yesterday was Mum’s birthday and as we all know once young children are thrown into the equation, celebrating birthdays, regardless of whose birthday it is, is more about them than the birthday boy/girl. Jemima had very lovingly made a surprise Birthday crown for Granny and I’d been cunning and with the help of a great friend of mine, arrange to get some cupcakes. So we had a little birthday tea party for Granny yesterday afternoon. Jemima loved it and we all loved the cupcakes. Here are some pictures
Great Crown Pru!