Well, a week ago I was feeling confident that I’d go nearly all the way to 38 weeks, or at least make it to 8/24 when the cerclage is due to be removed.
Today, I’m not so sure. Over the past couple of days, while cutting down the Ibruprofen I’ve been getting more contractions. Still not enough to warrant any trips to labor and delivery but what is concerning me is they are getting longer (about 40 seconds instead of 10), and perhaps more importantly they are beginning to hurt.
I now have a definite waddle, the belly button is very close to being an ‘outy’ and doing anything is becoming quite exhausting – and for the past two days I’ve done very little.
I woke last night with quite fierce contractions which were coming very 7-8 minutes and I really was beginning to think ‘oh-oh, here he comes’. I popped an Ibruprofen and all calmed down but that’s the first time in a long time that I’ve had night-time contractions, least of all ones that actually hurt. So today, my thoughts are that this little guy is in a bit of a hurry. Perhaps Jemima’s game of talking to Noddy and saying ‘come out soon’, despite being swiftly followed by me saying ‘No, stay in’ (which she finds hilarious) is not so funny after all.
Good thing we more or less sorted the nursery over the weekend – guess I better get on with hanging those curtains just in case!.
crossed emotions - nervous vs excited - the run in is here. GOOD LUCK! Please try and continue your blog once 'Noddy' graces us with his presence (as if you'll have time!! - of course you will! blogging becomes addictive I think..) Keep your legs crossed xx