Following today’s OB appointment I have an induce date – 7th September. I had hoped it would be sooner, i.e. 25th August, the day after the cerclage is due to be removed, but sadly they won’t induce before 39 weeks without an amnio to check Noddy is fully developed. As keen as I am to have Noddy, I’m unsure I want to go through with an amnio. Aalthough at that point there are no risk, it’s still a needle going through the tummy.
I find all this slightly ironic as the next sentence she said was that ‘well, if you have a baby now, he’s fully developed now so it’s really good that we’ve got this far’. Quickly followed by 'keep it up with the modified bedrest’
Well, I haven’t been as good on the bedrest as I should have been throughout this whole pregnancy, particularly in the last 7 days since they said they wanted me back on moderate bedrest. They way I see it, each check up is showing no change to my cervix. I’m ready to have a baby, judging by the contractions by body is pretty much ready (at least it would be if it wasn’t being pumped full of drugs to fool it otherwise) and therefore I’m not about to sit back and do nothing. I’d rather be doing lots so that a) the cerclage is removed before 24th Aug b) the baby arrives pretty promptly after the cerclage is removed as scheduled.
The OB also looked at me as if I was quite stark raving mad when I said I didn’t really want an epidural. According to her, if the cerclage is removed before 8/24 and therefore in hospital, rather than as scheduled at the clinic under a local, she’s recommending I have an epidural for it as labor would undoubtedly follow quite quickly. Her logic being ‘why would you want to feel the pain?’. They don’t seem to get the logic here that surely gravity and moving around during labor has got to count for something. I get the impression that if I want it I’ll be able to request an epidural quicker than I would a cheese sandwich – and it’s food on demand at the hospital here!
So, whilst I know it’s best for Noddy to stay put until 24th August, it’s best for mum if he comes out before 7th September. Hopefully between the two of us we’ll reach a compromise somewhere in the middle. Unfortunately for Noddy I (like to think at any rate) have a small element of control over the situation, hopefully putting me at a slight advantage. I’ve already booked an appointment with my reflexologist on 8/25 when she’ll work all major labor points. And I’ve planned a hot curry and fresh pineapple for dinner that night.
how about a long walk too, and some hugely decadent yummy dessert? i say if you are going for it you may as well go BIG! :)