After 5 days of Billy eating like a demon ( not to mention pooping even more), but failing to put on weight we seemed to have turned a corner and a weighing yesterday put him at 6lb 2.3oz so I’m now beginning to relax a little.
As for Billy’s bilis they haven’t been checked for a few days but all nurses / doctors / lactation consultants seem very unworried about it. So less for me to worry about to.
Since Billy was born I’ve been asked numerous times if the blog will go on. I had originally thought that no it won’t, that my last entry would be one about Billy’s birth, but I’ve already past that milestone. So in short, yes – the blog will go on.
Please bear with me however as chances are some of the posts will be a day or so behind real time – trying to keep it up to date with what’s happening in our family simultaneously is just not possible with a new born who needs feeding every 2.5 hours, following by a pump session. I only just about wash the bottles and have to start over again.
I’ll also change the title (let’s face now I’m no longer on bedrest it’s hardly appropriate) and probably alter the subject matter slightly. After all, the tales about my daily family life, now with hopefully the drama removed, or at least toned down, I doubt will anywhere near as interesting as it has been. But don’t worry tales about Billy and his big sister will continue to feature.
Today, I’m already feeling a sense of satisfaction. It’s 9:15am on a Saturday morning, we’re all up, I’m dressed – make up included. Billy’s already had one feed, breakfast has been served and one wash is already nearly completion. Next stop is bath time for Billy, which Jemima is going to help with, then a walk to the park and Starbucks before some friends pop in for a visit. I can’t tell you how excited I am about going for a walk for the first time in four months.
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