So, I think I said a while back that now that Billy is born the blog may be a day or two behind real life. How wrong I was – I think I’m a good 10 days behind. I’d truly forgotten how long it takes to get anything done in the house when there’s a newborn around.
That said, Billy is a totally different baby compared to Jemima. She was such a text book baby that by 2 weeks we had her on a pretty good feeding & sleeping routine. Not so with Billy. To a degree we feel like this is the first child for both of us at at times Jemima seems far more tuned into to his needs, wants and demands than I am.
And here’s the proof – a video of her helping to give him Billy a sponge bath. She was so gentle. Admittedly you can’t see much of Jemima – I couldn’t get her face in the frame and still be close enough to help out / avoid any disasters.
As far as Billy goes himself, he’s a little gem. He still sleeps for about 21 hours a day so in theory I should be feeling far more in control of the situation than I am. That said, between feeding and pumping every 3 hours, there’s not a lot of time for anything else.
We’re also facing very severe diaper rash at the moment which is currently being treated as a yeast infection (a result of me being on antibiotics), although despite using the cream for nearly 3 days we’re seeing little improvement. I can’t help thinking he’s got diarrhea but the lactation consultants don’t seem to think so. The doctor finally mentioned the possibility of a milk protein allergy but she wants to rule out the yeast infection first. So there’s a possibility that we’ll be switching to incredibly expensive formula soon. We’ll see what tomorrow’s follow-up appointment brings.
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