Sunday, September 12, 2010

Strengthening Anglo-American relations one word at a time

I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.  I’m getting stick from my friends in the UK for saying diapers, yet if I say nappies most American’s look at me as if I’m from Mars.

Any true writer would say you should write to please the majority of your audience. Well, in the absence of any ‘scientific research’ I have no idea whether more Brits or more American’s read my blog but on the basis that I currently live in Seattle, I’ll go with diapers. When in Rome and all that!

That said, in the interest of bridging the gap between the Brits and the American’s here’s a little translation of words/phrases that I regularly use that have raised an eyebrow at best, totally blank expressions at worst,  amongst my American friends and colleagues:

Fortnight = every 2 weeks

Knickers in a twist = panties in a bunch

Handbag = purse

Nappies = diapers

Rubbish / bin = garbage

Faff = to dither about but achieve very little

Fairy Cake = cupcake

Jacket potato = baked potato

Grill = Broiler

Potter = See faff

Estate Agent – realtor

Minging = distgusting

Pikey = trailer trash

Bespoke = custom made


I’m sure there’s plenty more but here’s a starter for ten. That in itself will need some translation for many of you but I’ll let you work it out for yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Ah! I remember fortnight...what an enlightening meeting that was. :)
