Thursday, July 1, 2010

Frustration, pizza, cinema and wedding dresses

The only problem with writing a blog about your pregnancy / bed rest traumas is when you don’t write anything for a couple of days people either:-

a) think something’s happened and I’ve ended up in hospital again or

b) bug me to find out why I’ve not written anything recently

Well, as the author of a blog I consider myself a writer, and like all writers I reserve the right to write or not to write as the mood strikes me!

Actually, that’s not strictly true. More accurately Wimbledon and some slow pottering in Noddy’s room as we wash and put away gorgeous little baby clothes has been occupying my time.

So that means the good news is that it’s been a very uneventful week – in every sense of the word.

The boredom has well and truly reached a new level and with it is coming a whole new level of frustration. I’m fed up of being basically housebound with the exception of weekly trips to the doc and the occasional trip out. I’m fed up of company. Whilst I’m very grateful for all the help I’ve received I can’t tell you all how nice it will be to have our house back to ourselves.

I’m fed up of not being able to do the things that I should be and want to be doing – cooking dinner every night, going to the grocery store, not being the last person to get a kiss from Jemima as she walks into nursery, not being the first person to get the best hug as she’s picked up the end of the day. It’s all beginning to wear me down and I’m back on the emotional rollercoaster that I was when bed rest was first prescribed, even though I am at least able to do more now than I could six weeks ago.

The good news is that I’m now 29 weeks, 30 on Saturday, and all being well once I reach 32 weeks I can pretty much resume normal activity, within reason of course. And at that point we’ll have our house back for a few weeks before mayhem truly kicks in with the arrival of a new baby.

On a more positive note, I have had a few outings this past week, that have not involved my OB or hospital.

We all headed out for dinner on Sunday – just a local pizza place so nothing fancy but nice nonetheless. And on Tuesday Sue and I escaped to the cinema to see Sex and the City II.  I’ve always thought going to the cinema in the middle of the day is a little bit naughty, but going to the cinema when you should be on bed rest felt well and truly rebellious.  But I loved it – a great film if you’re expecting nothing other than mindless fashion, some harmless humor,  and plenty of amazing shoes. I have to say some of the outfits and the shoes were to die for.

Anyway, today I have some boring phone calls to make before I settle in for an afternoon at Wimbledon. But first an hour of ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ – I mean what’s not to love about watching brides choose a wedding dress and all the drama that goes with it?

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